Acts of Kindness Through COVID-19
By: Emily Patz
May 5, 2020
by your friends at SofterWare
Working at a company who serves nonprofits, the Team at SofterWare is constantly reminded of the amazing ways everyday people organize to advocate for those in need. Thank you for continuing to fight for the populations you serve through your mission. Now especially, you inspire us to follow your example.
In honor of #GivingTuesdayNow, we’d like to share with you how we’re giving back during this time of crisis.
We’re hosting virtual auctions.
Schools are closed, which means the children who relied on their meal programs could be going without. Our GivesBack Committee members, Kathy P., Beth C., Jackie T., Lindsey M., and Eleanor S. each baked sweet treats to auction off in their own virtual auction to benefit No Kid Hungry.
Together, the top bidders, Terri W., Mike S., Kathy P., Carl M., Eleanor S., Miranda M., and Laura S. raised $564! Now they’ll have extra special desserts to look forward to when we’re able to safely return to the office.

We’re answering hotlines.
With conflicting information about COVID-19 on the internet, the public is – understandably – seeking a reliable source of truth. But with such high call volumes overwhelming public health organizations, a separate hotline for COVID-19 related questions was created.
One of our employees, in addition to the regular duties of their 9-5, is devoting their weekends to volunteering for this hotline to answer the community’s questions and provide resources. To protect their anonymity, we cannot publicly recognize this person by name, but their devotion of time and energy just couldn’t go without mention.
If you’d like to volunteer for a COVID-19 hotline, you must be a Medical Reserve Corps volunteer. More information here.
We’re treating first responders.
It goes without saying that some of our biggest heroes through this crisis are our first responders. They’re risking their own health every day to protect us. To say thanks, we’re providing them with meals from our local businesses to bring some cheer to their long days.
Here in Philadelphia, what many others refer to as “subs” or “heroes,” we call “hoagies.” And they’re a local delicacy! Our GivesBack Committee members Jeff V. and Eleanor S. coordinated Hoagies for Heroes, raising over $1,200 (That’s over 200 hoagies!) for the staff at our local hospitals and police departments.
One of our account managers, Paula B., along with a group from her neighborhood, are cooking meals for first responders. The idea became so popular that they’re now on a monthly rotation!

We’re donating blood.
Yes, you can still donate blood, despite social distancing requirements! You can check with your local YMCA to see if they’re hosting a blood drive, alongside the Red Cross (participants must stay six feet apart, of course).
One of our account managers, Tom K., made his donation. His message to others:
“Bored? Get out of the house and do some good! Just your time and a little pin prick. You’ll be helping people who depend on your donation.”

We’re making masks.
When our friends and family in healthcare saw a shortage of masks, we responded by making and delivering our own.
Our employees Colleen M., Melissa Y., Becky S., Deb B., and Beth C. have collectively, with their families, sewn nearly 400 masks (and counting!).
Want to pitch in? You can follow the same instructions if you:
- Have a sewing machine (Links here or here)
- Have a sewing machine OR thread and needle
Note: Be sure that they are first approved by the facility who will receive your donation.

One of our technical support representatives, Josiah B., alongside his brother, got to work on their 3D printers to create face shields, inspired by their sister who needed them. To date, they’ve created 235 face shields.
Have a 3D printer? The files for creating masks can be found here and here.
Note: Be sure that they are first approved by the facility who will receive your donation.

Now that medical staff must wear masks for their entire 8-12 hour shifts, their ears are becoming irritated, making for a pretty uncomfortable day on top of the stress of their regular duties. In response, our vice president of Customer Care, Lauren S., sewed buttons onto headbands so the nurses in her sister’s unit would no longer need to wrap the masks around their ears.
You can make them, too! Here’s how to sew a button.

We’re thinking of the kids at home with you.
Schools across the country are closed for what’s looking like the rest of the school year. We know that means you’re trying your hand at homeschooling while also trying to focus on your work. Our trainer Kelly so cleverly thought to include coloring pages in her webinar handouts to keep them busy so folks could tune in with a little less distraction.
We’re supporting one another.
Of course we could not best serve others without being “okay” in the current normal ourselves. We’ve been very fortunate to have such a caring work-family who’ve been going above and beyond to look out for our well-being and our mental health.
One of our technical support representatives, Allyshia D., coordinated a webinar, hosted by a licensed therapist to offer practical, professional advice to help us navigate mental health resources at this unprecedented time, as well as equip us with coping strategies.

Our product specialist, Debbi T., has been hosting virtual yoga for our employees.

Our customer relations specialist, Meg E., has been reminding our employees to meditate with helpful links and motivational quotes.

To benefit our local zoo and client, Elmwood Park Zoo, our training manager, Lori S., arranged a nice surprise for her team: a virtual meeting with a giraffe!

Kathy P., Julia N., and Desiree H. of Human Resources have been conducting phone calls to employees to check in on our mental health. They shared that they’ve been gaining a lot from the kind act themselves.
Thanks to our leadership, CEO Doug Schoenberg, president Nathan Relles, and senior vice president Mike Sernoff, every employee at DonorPerfect has been fortunate to maintain their employment – and at full salary – through this crisis. Each of them have also been generously donating to organizations serving pandemic victims.
Doug has supported nonprofits by helping them understand the CARES Act and has provided relief for our clients suffering from the pandemic’s impact. As a board member, he’s directly assisted several nonprofits to obtain PPP loans and retain staff.

We’re not going to stop.
As long as this pandemic continues, we will continue to do what we can to help and cheer on the heros combating its impact. Our GivesBack Committee has the following charitable events planned:
- Virtual races
- A spirits raffle
- Donation of laptops to local schools in need
One of our trainers, Debbie S. F. will be hosting a food drive for Caring for Friends. She will collect and distribute frozen soups that will be able to last in freezers awhile.
If you plan to make soup for your local food drives, here are 80 recipes for soups that freeze well.
Special thanks to our medical staff, first responders, and essential workers at:
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